
RUcube is all about solutions to fix various types of cubes ( mostly known as Rubik's Cube) with details. It will be demonstrating 3x3x3, 2x2x2, 4x4x4 and some other cubes. It is almost entertaining to share how to fix with respective images which are easy to understand for anyone who tries to learn from this. 3x3x3 is the most common type of Rubik's Cube in the world. by using several algorithms and practice, the speed of fixing the cube is very short of time. Resolve imparity and swap issue


OLL -Orientation Last Layer

Rubik's Cube - OLL - Orientation Last Layer🧊

Before fixing the Last Layer, We need to set the correct orientation. To do that there are some algorithms that we can follow. it is called OLL - Orientation Last Layer.


We have to consider only Yellow colour( which means upper layer colour) only

According to yellow pieces (any colour can be set but mostly use yellow as the TOP layer upper side colour), so many algorithms are used to correct OLL

In OLL, we need to convert the upper side to all yellow. or any other colour as you decide to be the upside. 

Here we describe some algorithms with images to quickly understand how the upper layer will be before we apply the respective cube algorithms.

Most of the time we find out these types of upper-layer patterns.

There are some algorithms to orient the last layer (OLL) which is used to set the upper side in the same colour (mostly YELLOW). 

1. Find the bellow image and use the given algorithm to fix the upper layer colour

The upper layer, only the centre is Yellow. The Left and Right sides in the upper layer are yellow. Edges in the upper layer's Front and Back sides are also yellow.

Keep the cube as shown below image and do the given algorithm to fix the OLL issue.

R U2 R2 F R F' U2 R' F R F'

does not matter about side colours, sometimes they will automatically match respective colours or we have to fix them with PLL

2. Find the bellow image and use the given algorithm to fix the upper layer colour

Here a little different than Issue  1 was described previously. Upper layer Upper side is the same but, only two pieces are yellow on each side(one corner and edge). The back side of all are in yellow and the front side is no different, only the edge is yellow.

Keep the cube as shown below image and do the given algorithm to fix the OLL issue.

r U r' U2 r U2 R' U2 R U' r'

3. Find the bellow image and use the given algorithm to fix the upper layer colour

Here there is little difference from above. upper side, centre piece and FROTN-LEFT piece also Yellow in colour.
The edge is yellow on the left side, and one corner, the edge in the front, right and back are yellow in colour.
Keep the cube as shown below image and do the given algorithm to fix the OLL issue.

r' R2 U R' U r U2 r' U M U 

4. Find the bellow image and use the given algorithm to fix the upper layer colour

M' U' r U2 r' U' R U' R' M

If only the centre piece and Front-Right corner yellow colour have matched, use the above algorithm to fix the whole upside yellow. fo that We need to keep the upper side yellow colour pieces as shown in the above image.

M - middle layer along the Front and the Back.
r   - Both middle and Right layers

5. Find the bellow image and use the given algorithm to fix the upper layer colour

l' U2 L U L' U l
This is another orientation issue. four yellow pieces are correctly oriented with the shape of a square to the Left-Back. others are respectively, two yellow pieces to the right side, two for the Front side and one for the Left side. 

Keep the cube as shown in the above image, and do the "l' U2 L U L' U l" to fix the upper layer yellow issue.

6. Find the bellow image and use the given algorithm to fix the upper layer colour

r U2 R' U' R U' r'

This is just similar to the previous type. But exactly looks like the mirror image of it. The yellow square is positioned on the right side at this time. the algorithm is also exactly the opposite. "L" is replaced by "R" and "l" is with "r".

By keeping the cube as shown and following the algorithm to solve it.

7. Find the bellow image and use the given algorithm to fix the upper layer colour

r U R' U R U2 r'

Here is another pattern of OLL issue, which is like a double bend to the right side of a road on the upper side. Starting from the Front-Left corner and ending with the Back-edge. 

Other yellow pieces are respectively, two on the Front side, two on the Right side, and one on the back side.

8. Find the bellow image and use the given algorithm to fix the upper layer colour

r' U' R U' R' U2 r

This is the exact opposite of the previous OLL algorithm. Hold the cube just like in the above image, do the algorithm mentioned to fix all upper side yellow(in most cases, colour depends on the base colour selected at the very beginning with starting the cube solving)

9. Find the bellow image and use the given algorithm to fix the upper layer colour

R U R' U' R' F R2 U R' U' F'

Here also, four pieces in the TOP layer colours are correct but orientation is just like an arrow tail imaginary arrow head towards South-East direction (The Front-right)

use the given algorithm by holding the cube as shown in the image to fix the orientation issue.

10. Find the bellow image and use the given algorithm to fix the upper layer colour

r U R' U R U' R' U' r' R U R U' R'

Here is the exact opposite image of the above one. or it is a mirror image. An arrow tail from the South-West towards the North-East direction.

But the Algorithm used here is not the same as the previous one. a little bit hard to remember. 

Nest Step is solving a Rubik's Cube is follow the PLL pattern to get a fast solution.

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