
RUcube is all about solutions to fix various types of cubes ( mostly known as Rubik's Cube) with details. It will be demonstrating 3x3x3, 2x2x2, 4x4x4 and some other cubes. It is almost entertaining to share how to fix with respective images which are easy to understand for anyone who tries to learn from this. 3x3x3 is the most common type of Rubik's Cube in the world. by using several algorithms and practice, the speed of fixing the cube is very short of time. Resolve imparity and swap issue


How to Solve a 3x3x3 Axis Cube?

How to Solve a 3x3x3 Axis Cube?

Among the various types of Cubes in the world, there is an amazing cube called, the "Axis Cube".

because of its extraordinary design, it is very beautiful and complex when scrambled.

It is just like a Cube shape but movements are not exactly horizontal or vertical. if it is a 3x3x3 cube, we can't figure out when it s scrambled. it is not just like an ordinary cube, all edge pieces are not the same as others. not corner pierces also. centres are having two colours. 

The following images show different types of edges and corners in the Axis cube has;

There are 6 corners just like a triangle shape and two corners link tetrahedron shape out of 8 corners.

If the cube's all planes separate and print to the same plane, it will show like the below image.

At a glance, it does not look like a 3x3x3 cube. But the rotation is done along the diagonal. then it will be a mess when scrambled. We need to focus and figure out matching colours. need to remember opposite colour pairs for speed resolution.

The following image shows each edge, corner and centrepiece.

  • Corners - 6 corners are like triangles and two are like tetrahedrons
  • Centres - Two colours with roof-type centres
  • Cross    - This is an unequal cross. 
  • Edges    - Edges are also unequal.

1. Making the cross - There is no single colour chosen for making the starting cross. As shown in the Black mark cross, Yellow and blue pieces are flat but Blue-Red and Red-Yellow pieces are not single-plane pieces. 

2. Fix corners - As shown, there are three corners in a single plane with single colour triangle shapes. But one is just like the three sides of a tetrahedron with three different colours.

3. Fix the Second layer - There are also two symmetrical pair edges. two Trapezoids and two angle pieces. ( Trapezoids means a plane figure with two parallel sides connected with non-parallel lines.) In the above image, Ornage colour pieces are examples of those.

4. Next, TOP Layer cross. Not like an ordinary Rubik's Cube, when we are making the cross, we come across some difficulties like edges can be flipped. then we can put them to the second layer and rotate them correctly and then back to the upper layer. 

e.g.  If the Front side edge is flipped, Turn it to the right side (U'). then anti-clockwise rotation of the Left side (L'). then clockwise rotation of the upper layer (U). Then clockwise rotation of the Left side (L).  then rotate the upper layer once (U). Then the front side should rotate clockwise ( F), next need a rotation anticlockwise of the upper layer (U'), next the front should rotate anti-clockwise (F').


Like that, a Right side edge can be set to the left side. likewise, the left side edge of the upper layer can be set to the right side edge place of the second layer. From that, an edge can be flapped. so, a flipped edge of the upper layer is placed to the second layer in one algorithm (to the right side) and back to the upper layer with the other algorithm (to the left side)

Now we can make a cross with correct orientation edge pieces. and next, fixing corners. if we use PLL methods, it is very difficult because of the structure of the cube's pieces. Rotation is not easy with those algorithms. 

To fix the upper corners, there is an easy way which has no more complex algorithm like PLL. 

Go through the following guidelines to fix the last pieces.

  1. Move the correct corner to the correct place ( no need to fix it) - sometimes corners will be fixed with this step. ( keep the fixed corner to the Left side and use " U'L'URU'LUR' " until all corners move to the correct position) 
  2. Rotate the whole cube along the "z-axis" anti-clockwise (z')
  3. Then use the following algorithm to fix the top left corner after rotating along the z-axis                      R'U'RU
  4. Move the next unfixed corner  to the place of the TOP-LEFT corner and do the same algorithm used above (R'U'RU)
  5. Likewise, move all unfixed corners to the TOP-LEFT corner position and use R'U'RU to fix the cube.

Issues arise when fixing the Axis Cube;

1. TOP layer centre piece flipping issue

2. Edges Flap

1. TOP layer centre piece flipping issue

This is a common issue that can be raised when fixing the Axis Cube. But it is more straightforward to fix than it appears.

Keep the imparity centre piece as shown in the above image which is Orange-Yellow to the left side in this case. Then use the following easy algorithm to fix


2. Edges Flap

Already explained it. sometimes we get edge imparity issues when trying to solve the Axis cube. 

In a regular 3x3x3 Rubik's cube ( pieces are in a square shape, either 3x3x3, 4x4x4 or any other ..), these types of imparity won't appear.

What will we do when we came across such a situation like edge parity issue? 

Remember the second layer edges fixing method. likewise, place the imparity edge to the TOP layer and replace it with an existing edge (either the edge piece that needs to replace the existing piece of the second layer, move to the left or the right), as an example, we select it with the left side. so, select another imparity edge to the TOP of the Front side and do as same as above.

The upper layer is just like the below image

The orange edge and Yellow-Green edge are flapped but their place is correct.

Let this face up and try to fix the edge parity issue, 

e.g. fix the orange edge parity issue. the Orage edge piece will be swapped with the Red-Blue edge.

1. U - Move the orange edge piece to the left side

2. R - Rotate the right side once

3. U' - The use upper layer is anti-clockwise once and the below image shows it.

4. R' - Next, and-clockwise rotation of the right side.

5. U' - Rotate the upper layer anti-clockwise

6. F' - next the Front layer anti-clockwise

7. U - Then the upper layer rotates clockwise

8. F - finally rotate the Front layer once.

now we can see the Orange edge is replaced with the blue edge. 

Now another imparity edge ( Yellow-Green) is placed to front-TOP  and rotate as same as above to flip the Orange Edge piece as per this e.g.

follow the same steps that were previously used, and then the orange piece will be flipped.

Next, use the Blue piece to flip the Green-Yellow piece and fix the cube.


How to solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube?

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