
RUcube is all about solutions to fix various types of cubes ( mostly known as Rubik's Cube) with details. It will be demonstrating 3x3x3, 2x2x2, 4x4x4 and some other cubes. It is almost entertaining to share how to fix with respective images which are easy to understand for anyone who tries to learn from this. 3x3x3 is the most common type of Rubik's Cube in the world. by using several algorithms and practice, the speed of fixing the cube is very short of time. Resolve imparity and swap issue


How to Solve a 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube?

How to Solve a 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube?

      When we going to solve the 4x4x4 Rubik's cube, we met some difficulties such that matching the correct colour. because any colour can be set to any side. we can get rid of that by using corners. concerning the base colour, we can select the other 4 sides. 

        Normally White is as familiar as the BOTTOM colour and Yellow will be the TOP Colour. but without matching the correct colour, these two can be set to be adjacent sides. 

How to Solve a 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube?

as mentioned it is just like 3x3x3 but a little different.

What is that?

we have to make 3x3x3 cube from 4x4x4. then the solution will be the same as it.

Steps To Solve a 4x4x4 Cube

1. Select the Down/Bottom colour

2. Macth correct side colours concerning the Bottom colour

3. Fix Centers

4. Fix Edges

5. Solve like a 3x3x3 Cube.

When the cube is scrambled, it will show like the below image.

1. Select the Down/Bottom colour

We can choose any colour to start solving a Rubik's cube.

I mostly like white as the bottom colour

If white is the bottom, automatically Yellow should be UP side colour ( It can be changed according to the cube's colour). 

2. Macth correct side colours concerning the Bottom colour

Any side can be moved anywhere. So before fixing centres, We have to match the right-side colours

as shown in the image, centrepieces can be set to any place. 

If a cube is solved, WHITE-YELLOW should be opposite each other, GREEN-BLUE and RED-ORANGE are opposite colours respectively.

if incorrectly fix centres it will show like the below image (sometimes can be different) 

Therefore when fixing centres, need to match the opposite colour correctly.

3.  Fix Centers

Fix Centers? Why?

It is not just like a 3x3x3 cube, there are no fixed centres for a 4x4x4 cube. There are four pieces in each centre.

WHITE-YELLOW should be opposite each other, GREEN-BLUE and RED-ORANGE are opposite colours respectively.

Let's start ;

before starting to solve the cube, scramble it first.

as usual, start from the White side.

the following image shows all sides with the above scrambled;

I will show how to solve white centre 

as shown in the above image, Two White pieces are in the same line. so one of the white pieces needs to rotate the upper layer. 

Like mentioned above image two pieces are corrected. The other two need to arrange 

DO NOT matter about edge pieces and corners at this moment. just focus on centres. 

White Centre is fixed. likewise, fix the other 5 sides as well.

There is something to remember.
The correct colour should be the correct side.

otherwise following difficulties may arise;

as shown in the image, white and blue are matched correctly but YELLOW? Is it in the right place? NO.

That side should be RED( check out the corner which is correctly placed correct position.

That's why We mention at the very TOP, when we adjust the centres, the opposite colour combination must be remembered well. otherwise, the cube will not be fixed.

so YELLOW should be exactly opposite to WHITE in this case.

check the below image, the colours of each side are matched and YELLOW is also on the right side.

so, just like this, other colours also need to be on the correct sides.  Remember that and do as same to fix centres.

There are no patterns to fix centres.

it is just hands-on experience and practice to speed up.

Next, need to fix the edges.
4. Fix Edges

As per the below image, Keep the imparity edge pieces and rotate them towards us and then rotate to the left or right side and replace the corrected edge with unsolved edge pieces and reverse back to the original position.

In the above image; We are going to fix the RED-WHITE edge. There are two RED-WHITE pieces;
One is the FRONT-TOP and the other one is the BACK-TOP. 

Rotate the BACK-TOP piece towards the FRONT-TOP piece and make the RED-WHITE edge. 

Before Roate

After Roate

B- Back Side, U - Upper side, F -Front side

RED-WHITE edge is fixed

Then Rotate the RED-WHITE edge piece away from the current position ( or Rotate F or F')

Here, we made F' Rotation.

Then replace that edge with any other edge piece that is not fixed

 and do an F rotation

Then Do (Ll)' to revert to the first rotation that did to make the RED-WHITE EDGE piece.

And the following image also shows how to fix edge pieces from the beginning to the end

Likewise, other edges must be fixed until the last three edges are left. 

When it comes to the last three edges to be fixed, Keep the Cube as below image.

Then Do (Ll) F' L'F (Li)'

Now we can solve the cube just like 3x3x3.

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