
RUcube is all about solutions to fix various types of cubes ( mostly known as Rubik's Cube) with details. It will be demonstrating 3x3x3, 2x2x2, 4x4x4 and some other cubes. It is almost entertaining to share how to fix with respective images which are easy to understand for anyone who tries to learn from this. 3x3x3 is the most common type of Rubik's Cube in the world. by using several algorithms and practice, the speed of fixing the cube is very short of time. Resolve imparity and swap issue


How to solve 3x3x3 CentroSphere Cube?

 How to solve a 3x3x3 Centrosphere Cube? 

Centrosphere Cube is an amazing creation of a 3x3x3 cube which is exactly the same as a normal 3x3x3 cube. The only difference is it looks like a sphere inside a cube. Rotations are exactly the same.

When it is scrambled, it will show something like the below image. It could differ according to mixing patterns.

As usual like a 3x3x3 cube, let's start from the beginning by selecting the base colour obviously will be white.

It is just like the 3x3x3 CFOP method

C -  CROSS   - Making the cross
F  -  F2L         - First two layers
O - OLL         - Orientation Last Layer
P  -  PLL         - Permutation Last Layer

1. Making the Cross
2. Now need to fix the Bottom layer corners
3. Now need to fix the Middle layer edges.
4. TOP Layer Cross
5. TOP Layer Corners

1. Making the Cross

Find the White piece with matched the side colour like a 3x3x3 cube.

Face up the yellow centre and match the white piece with one of the side colours as shown in the below image

Then Rotate twice to match the white piece with the white centre. like that, do the same as above for the other three also. then we can make the cross.

When white with the yellow centre will be like the below image

Here, the side colours are matched correctly. When we are trying to solve the cube, we do not want to wait until all side colours are matched like in the above image. instead of that, we matched them one by one. One colour matched with the side colour with the yellow centre then rotate twice to fix the issue. 

2. Now need to fix the Bottom layer corners

There is no common algorithm but need to put the correct corner to the upper side and rotate until finds the correct position exactly up above it. then rotate away and turn the incorrect corner to up and replace it with the correct one and rotate down.

the same thing happens to all corners. 

3. Now need to fix the Middle layer edges.

When we going to solve this need to match the selected colour with their centre and upper side with the other side colour. let's take Blue-Red as an example. 

If Blue Colour is selected as FRONT, RED colour should be matched to the upper side. Then the Blue-Red piece needs to move towards the right side and do the algorithm like U R U' R' U' F' U F.  

There will have some situations that a piece needs to move towards the left side. if that is so, use the algorithm like U' L' U L U F U' F'

By using one of the above algorithms, we can fix the middle layer.

4. TOP Layer Cross

Next, time to fix the TOP layer Cross. As known as a general 3x3x3 cube solution, find the "L" shape or "Line from Left to Right" and do the following algorithms. 
    If L shape -- use F U R U' R' F'
    If Line-Left-to-Right -- Use F R U  R' U' F'

When making a cross, sometimes we get all edges matched to the side colours, and sometimes we get two edges to match their sides.

After making the TOP cross, There are two main methods to solve the cube, 

5. Fix the TOP Layer

Option 1. Match all sides with TOP layer edges colours    and then fix corners
Option 2. Match all corners with respective corners and then fix the Edges.

If we go for option 1: 

    We do not need to fix the upper side with all yellow. just need to mind the correct three colours of the corner pieces to be matched with the correct position only. 
        Keep the TOP layer matched to two adjacent edges to the right and back, and do 
                R U R' U R 2U R'
then we have all edges correctly positioned.
After that, We must check whether the corners are placed correctly or not? if matched with the following conditions
1. One corner matched

if one corner is matched keep it to the right-back side and do R' F R'  BB RF'R' BB R'R'
Then two corners will be matched correctly;

2. Two corners matched

If two corners are matched correctly, keep them to the backside and do R' F R'  BB RF'R' BB R'R'

Then two corners and the same colour edge will be matched or all corners will be matched correctly.

Next, do the rotation clockwise or anti-clockwise to fix the cube.

3. All corners matched

If all corners are matched, 
    Then check whether the all edges are placed incorrectly or not? if all are placed incorrectly and do the rotation clockwise or anti-clockwise, one side will be fixed and the other three will be kept in the rotation previously done (clockwise or anti-clockwise). Then by doing the same rotation, the cube will be fixed.

        If three edges are mismatched, according to the orientation of the edges, do the algorithm either clockwise or anti-clockwise to fix the cube.
If we go for option 2: 

    By using the " ( R' F R'  BB RF'R' BB R'R' ) " algorithm once or twice, we can fix the corners. then according to the clockwise or anti-clockwise movement of the edges, we can select the correct algorithm and fix the corners as well.

Before doing the algorithm, we need to hold the matched corner on the backside to the right corner. 

If two corners or two corners with or without an edge that is between matched corners, keep them to the back of the TOP layer and do the algorithm.

You can find out more details about a 3x3x3 cube solution with each rotation and notation with pictures of movement, CLICK HERE

And you can speedup by practising the PLL method: ClickHere

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